Climate Change

Climate change not only affects humans but also interrupts the environment’s homeostasis by the increase of natural disasters, sea level and extinctions. Climate change costs over 1.2 trillion dollars and over 400,000 lives a year. Climate change is influenced by greenhouse gas, such as methane. Methane is 84 times potent in the short time while it is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide in a 100 year period.

Dissolved Methane: The Silent Killer


Total emission of Methane: 269 Million Metric Tons
Dissolved Methane from Leachate could be higher (117.9mg/L)

Fracking Sites

Total Emission of Methane: 1.7-81 Metric Tons a Well
3.4 million metric tons for first year fracking sites.

Natural Gas Sites

Total Emission of Methane: 1.4 Million Metric Tons (.088 g/second)

Current Remedy: Air Stripping

Air stripping is currently deemed as effective in removing methane, however air stripping can only remove highly volitile organic compounds. Air stripping is also very expensive, costing over millions of dollars to get such a system in place.

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For nature, for Earth, Forever